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Please address product inquiries to :

<Osaka Head Office>
Nakanoshima Festival Tower 34F, 2-3-18 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8288 → Map
<Tokyo Head Office>
Ark Mori Bldg. 28F, 1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6028 → Map

Takasago plant
1-8 Miyamae-cho, Takasago-cho, Takasago-shi, Hyogo 676-8688
- Chemicals Manufacture Department (Manufacture of caustic soda, sodium hypochlorite, vinyl chloride monomer, hydrochloric acid)
- Synthetic Resin Manufacture Department, Vinyl Chloride Unit (Manufacture of vinyl chloride resin and vinyl chloride paste resin)
- PVC & Chemicals Division, Technology Management Department Research Group (Research Department)
Osaka plant
5-1-1 Torikainishi, Settsu-shi, Osaka 566-0072
- Synthetic Resin Unit (Manufacture of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin)
Kashima plant
28 Towada, kamisu-shi, Ibaraki 314-0102
- Vinyl Chloride Unit (Manufacture of vinyl chloride resin and vinyl chloride paste resin)

- Manufacture and sale of vinyl chloride and non-vinyl chloride compound materials
- Manufacture and sale of automobile components and various sheets and films

Kaneka Paste Polymers Sdn. Bhd.

Office location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Head Office and Plant: Pahang, Malaysia
Established in 1999 to produce Kanevinyl™ Paste. Production started in January 2001.

Head Office and Plant: Pasadena, TX, U.S.
Manufacture and sale of KANEKA CPVC.
Production started in August 2008.
Kaneka India Pvt. Ltd.

Head Office: New Delhi, India
Conducts market research and sales activities in India

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- The inquiry form uses the customer management system "Kreisel" provided by Tricorn Corporation.
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